My son is spending the day in his room clearing out years worth of junk. It is ridiculous.
I gave him until 5pm to get it done. I don’t think it will happen. How about you?
I got our kitchen junk drawers cleaned out. All 3 of them. Yep 3. And they still look like they need organized. No one will be hiring me to organize for them. It is not my thing.
In fact, I can’t believe I am letting you see them because they are kinda embarassing. And yes I like Extra gum. A lot. I chew it all the time and I can go through a pack a day if I am not careful. I usually just like spearmint, but I have grown fond of the strawberry shortcake. It is the only fruit flavor one I like.
My son gets his hoarding from us I suppose.
I also cleaned out my storage containers for left overs.
I always like when that task gets done.
Are you already tackling January organizing or are you still enjoying the holidays with family and friends?