Monday, February 6, 2012

A Mess Mess Here and a Mess Mess There

It’s a good thing we always close our office the day after the Super Bowl.  I am sooo behind with things.  I have been working on David’s room and I had some engagement photos to take.  My son and I are working on clearing out his room to paint.


I had him take out all of the books in his book case and decide what to keep and what to purge.  It took him forever! 

Yes I have one gray curtain (sheet) up to see how it looks.  I am going to give the curtain rods the same metal zinc treatment as the blocks I redid for his room. 

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The ceiling fan is white and gold.  Not very masculine for a boys room and it is wobbly.  It will hopefully get replaced by my husband this week. 

When I first started blogging I challenged myself to recover a chair.  David fell in love with it and spends lots of time sitting in his room in the chair.  It is pretty obvious it is well used.


How does a boy get a chair so dirty?  It actually looks worse in person.  I ordered him a small recliner to replace the chair.  I had to really talk him into it.  He thinks a little Febreeze would fix the current chair. 

So all of his books and some other things from his room are in the guest room.


I didn’t even take time to show you another room that is junked out because of David’s room.  I will save your eyes from too much chaos. 

I have a few of his furniture pieces done.  I am using Annie Sloan’s Chalkpaint in graphite.  It is a really really dark gray.  It goes on so fast.  I use to doubt this paint, but not anymore.  It is saving me from hours of labor. 


It isn’t drastically different than the original navy blue at first glance, but it will really look different once the room is all pulled together. 

Everything looks this way because I spent all morning editing some engagement photos I took of one of my patients at our dental office instead of working on the room.



I took them yesterday right before the big game.  I really like how this next one turned out.


Love that sun!  It will be gone tomorrow and maybe even some snow.  Gotta love the Texas panhandle. 

Well I better get to work.  I have furniture pieces calling my name, laundry to do, messes to clean, etc., etc., etc. .
