Saturday, February 4, 2012

Coca Cola Sign Aged and Distressed

Although it is cold and windy outside, I drug my sign out to sand on it a bit.  I actually had to do it twice because I sanded it just a bit and it looked pink and I freaked.  Remember I used up my Annie Sloan Chalkpaint sample so there was no repainting to be done.  After staring at if for a while, I decided to go for it.


Do you do that.  Stare at something to either work up the courage to do something or see if it will speak to you and tell you to just do it?  So my sign said to distress me already so I did. 

I lightly brushed on some dark brown glaze back and forth over the sign and added it a little heavier here and there. 


And I am calling it done.


My son likes the older look and so do I.  Here is a reminder of how it looked last night freshly painted.


I hope the next time you see this sign it is sooner than later and it is displayed in David’s new room!
