Sunday, October 16, 2011

Subtle Hints of Fall

Most of the time I like to leave well enough alone.  If I like something I keep it or it stays like that for a loooooong time.  One of my favorite little corners is kind of springy summery looking.  I like it, but the rest of my room has some fall action going on so I decided to add some subtle changes to the corner.  When fall is over I just have to put away 3 small faux pumpkins and some 2 tiny floral springs and it is back to normal.  (Except we all know I will have to add something back to change the summery springy area to Christmas….it never ends.) 

I found some faux pumpkins at Hobby Lobby that were already a deep orange color that I like and I tore apart a floral stem to get a few sprigs I like from it. 

Here’s the stems added to my books and key.




I put 2 faux pumpkins in my spring wreath that hangs on my door screen and one on top of my printer tray.




I also printed one of my photos I created recently to my frame. 


And my corner has a subtle fall feel to it.  I like easy. 



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Sunday Showcase @ Under the Table and Dreaming