Sunday, October 16, 2011

DVD Watching in the Driveway

Thursday my husband drove to Plano, TX to trade in my faithful SUV I have had for 7 years for a newer model.  I went from a 2001 to a 2008.  I haven’t had much time to figure out the bells and whistles because life just won’t slow down.  Finally on Sunday we went out to see if the DVD players work and they do. 


My son insisted on wearing his IPod earphones instead of using the wireless earphones that go with the players.  I guess he likes things shoved into his ears. 


We don’t take many trips, but the next time we do I think I will be sitting in the back seat enjoying a movie.



Or maybe next weekend I might just go out in the driveway and watch a movie in my backseat. 

No one will know I am there because the windows are tinted pretty dark.


See you can’t even see my husband or son in the backseat.


I am trying to sell my Karmann Ghia so I can park in my garage.


Anyone interested in a pretty vintage car?


Can you tell the sun is shining brightly today.  We better enjoy it because it will be a high in the 50s on Tuesday and my son has a football game.  Brrrrrr
