Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fall Wedding and The Salt Covenant

Today I attended my cousin’s wedding.  I didn’t take many photos, but I have a few to share.  First of all I really thought it was such a beautiful simple ceremony.  Her mom, dad, and brother have all passed.  Her only living sibling who is her oldest brother gave her away.  He said, “In honor of my mom and dad I give her to this man.”  Tear jerker for sure.  Anyway I snuck a photo during The Salt Covenant.  I have never heard of this before.


See the little jars on the podium?  They are filled with salt.  The covenant is as follows:

During ancient times, agreements and promises were sealed by a salt covenant.  Each person would take a pinch of salt from their pouch and place it in the pouch of the other.  This agreement could not be broken unless an individual could retrieve their own grains of salt.  But this, of course is impossible. 

The couple participated in this ceremony to symbolize their commitment to each other. 

The entry table had these beautifully carved pumpkins with the bride and grooms initials. 


And the sign in book was a photo book of their engagement pics.  What a great idea!


The punch table had another great pumpkin display.

