What is vintage, red and oh so cute? Why my VW Karmann Ghia of course.
I bought this online in Sept 2009. It was delivered on a truck from Oceanside, CA.
I have a 2001 SUV. My every day car is unimportant to me. It needs to start and get me where I need to be. That’s it. But I have always wanted a Karmann Ghia since the day I watched Molly Ringwald in the movie, Pretty in Pink. The year was 1986. The same year I turned 16 and got my driver’s license. Please tell me you are all old enough to remember the movie. Hers is a 58 model in the movie. My favorite is a 69 model. Twenty three years of waiting, I ended up with a 73. Some of them are convertible. I didn’t want the extra expense or trouble of a convertible. Karmann Ghias were produced from 1955 to 1974.
Here is the Ghia in the movie.
Aren’t they adorable???
So careful cautious me took the plunge and bought one sight unseen. I sent money to a stranger and crossed my fingers a car would show up at my house. Everything about it was as described except the paint job. It had runs, chips, dings, etc. From 40 ft away you couldn’t tell so the photo of the car on the truck looks good.
I am sure this would bother many of you as much as it bothered me. I just couldn’t see past it. I asked my friend who paints cars as a side job if he could paint it for a reasonable price. He agreed. Lucky for me I have helped him out when needed so he returned the favor. Restoring old cars is not cheap.
I am mad at myself for not getting before pics of the problem areas. My friend said the old paint could be removed with a razor blade and then pulled off in strips. Not good.
Of course all things cute need accessories. She needed new seals, bumpers, Karmann Ghia script for the back and tail lights.
Instead of browsing here for accessories.

I was buying here.

Because I needed all this stuff.

So my car could look like this.
See the little curved back window? Not easy to install. I had to find a specialist to do it. It cost a lot and it can’t always be done. There is only one guy in town who could do it.
You can see my boring everyday mommy car in the background.
It is only a 2 seater.
Very basic dashboard. No power steering either.

If you are cold and need heat then you have to let the motor heat warm your car by pulling up these levers. No thanks. I will only drive her when it is nice out.
See the trigger? You have to pull it up to get into reverse.
Although I couldn’t do the physical work on this project, I did have a lot of leg work to do in order make her pretty.
Well I am off to my first car show. My husband is entering his car too. I will show you his car another time. It has bells and whistles because he is spoiled like that.
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Weekend Wrap Up Party @ Tatertots and Jello

Favorite Things Friday @ A Few Of My Favorite Things
Saturday Night Special @ Funky Junk Interiors