When I moved over 5 years ago, my new house had an extra living room which meant I needed extra furniture. I bought a living room set that I (mostly) liked. I liked the main green color of the furniture, but I was never crazy about the throw pillows. The price was good so I thought I could learn to love them. I learned to tolerate them until about a year ago. I decided to unstuff them and restuff the new pillows I made that were much more my style. I couldn't believe how much it changed the whole look of the room. Here are some pics of the pillows. The first pic is the original fabric.
These next pics are the after pillows.
This project was much cheaper than buying new furniture. I have still loved the change a year later.
How to Seal And Preserve Authentic Chippy Paint On A Wood Bench
[image: seal chippy paint on a wood bench]Love old finishes and wish to
save them safely? Learn how to properly seal chippy paint on a wood bench
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10 hours ago