Progress is happening on my barstools. I have one done, one halfway done and one that still needs to be done.

I am the 3rd owner of these barstools. The original owners of the house left them behind. My son likes them and my husband likes that they were free. They use to be an oak color and I painted them red with some black dry brushing before my blogging days. My husband and son still like the red and are a bit mad at me for redoing them. I was ready for a change.
I used Chalk Paint in Versailles green. It is bright and my husband described it as cat urine. Yep he did. He also said, “What the heck is wrong with that paint? It feels so chalky?” Umm because it is chalk paint I told him. He wasn’t impressed and thinks it is silly to have paint that looks and feels like chalk. He usually doesn’t have an opinion so I was getting a little concerned.
Here’s the barstool with only the chalk paint on it.

It doesn’t look so bad in this photo, but in my kitchen area it is a brighter more yellow green and does kinda look like urine, but don’t tell my husband I agree with him. OK?
I sanded the edges to let the red show through a bit and to get the thick rough areas of paint smooth. I have a hard time with this paint. It seems to dry fast and gets rough spots. Another blogger told me she has the same problem. I painted inside so the 104 degree heat wouldn’t dry it any faster.
After I sanded and cleaned the stool I used Briwax in clear and then light brown. I found a little trick to share with you all. I used paper towels to apply the clear wax, but they tore up easily and made a mess. A while back I bought a large stencil brush from JoAnn’s and thought I would see if it worked as a wax brush.

It did! The light brown wax application was so much easier. I have been trying to buff the wax so it is nice and smooth when we sit on the stools. You can see in the above photo how shiny it gets when buffed. It is taking a long time to dry. It still feels a bit tacky. I hope it will go away and that it just needs to dry more.
Update: The wax is dry and no longer tacky.
Here are some photos of the finished stool.

When I get them all finished I will show what they look like in the kitchen. The light was better in the front room so I moved them to take photos.
Thanks for stopping by.

Linking to
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on The Porch
Motivated Monday @ Be Colorful
Piece of Work @ Primitive and Proper
Furniture Feature Friday @ Miss Mustard Seed
August Before and After @ Thrifty Décor Chick