Friday, February 28, 2014

Harley is Diabetic

My sweet older miniature schnauzer has developed diabetes.  I noticed she was drinking water excessively and I took her to the vet.  She was already in a diabetic ketoacidosis.  She had to stay at the animal hospital from Friday morning until Monday morning.  We have been working on getting her blood glucose leveled.  She has lost so much muscle mass and after almost 4 years of being blind, she is now slow and very cautious.  This week she finally showed some perkiness and I took her outside to get a photo.


I never knew she could curl her tongue. 

I love her so much and I am glad we get more time with her.  She takes her insulin shots like a champ.  So many people give up on dogs when they get old.  Harley still brings joy to our family at 13 years old despite all of her ailments. 
