Saturday, December 29, 2012

Using the Kelvin Chart for White Balance

Yesterday I kept happening upon information about using the Kelvin setting for white balance while taking photos.  This might be my aha moment.  I am going to try using this method and see if it works as well for me as it seems to for so many other photographers.  Some of the entry level DSLRs will not have this option.  It will look like this under your white balance settings.


Kelvin is the choice on the far right “K”.

After you choose kelvin then you choose your setting by using your scroll wheel.


I did a little experiment using my window as the light source. 


These shots are straight out of camera.  The only change I made was decreasing the temperature of the Kelvin.  I have read that photos can look over or underexposed simply because the white balance is incorrect.  I think the photo that is labeled 3500 looks more underexposed the the rest.  Do you?   The Kelvin chart above was found on pinterest and created by Girl Hearts Camera.  I liked her chart the best. 

If you do not have the choice of Kelvin on your camera and you want some other options let me know and I will make a post about it. 

Happy shooting.
