Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hydrangeas in a Basket

I have never met a hydrangea I didn’t like.  I happen to use faux ones, but would really like some real dried ones someday.  I found this really cute basket at Hobby Lobby for 1/2 off so I got it for 6 bucks.  It looks like something from Pottery Barn to me.  I don’t think I will ever find a $6 PB basket so thank goodness for Hobby Lobby. 

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I just can’t seem to figure out what to put near my massive lamps I got awhile back.  I don’t think I love them as much as I thought I did.  One no longer works because Izzy ate the cord while it was plugged in.  I will have to tell you all about her Thunder Jacket that keeps her from doing bad things.  It’s pretty interesting. 

I really like the texture of this basket. 

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I might add a little framed sign to the front of it. 


Because you just can’t have too many baskets, hydrangeas or signs.  Smile
