Thursday, March 8, 2012

Project 52 Week 10 Be Still

While I had my camera out this week, I snapped a couple of pic of my son.  I noticed when he sits still he still finds comfort holding his “Ducky” and rubbing his wing.  My son will be 14 next month and he still loves his stuffed animal he has owned since he was a year old.  I treasure that even though my son is turning into a young man before my very eyes, he still loves the comforts of  his childhood. 


You can see him rubbing on the tip of the wing.  He has rubbed that wing for almost 13 years.  I have had to sew it and sew it.  It is about an inch shorter than the other one. 

I caught him rubbing it again a few days later. 


Do you have older children that hang onto something from their younger years?  Does it warm your heart or worry you that they will go to college with their ducky, blanky, etc?

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge
