Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Project 52 Week 9 A Great Leap

Another week sped by and I didn’t have much time to take this week’s theme photo.  It’s been really windy here as well.  Today was fairly nice so I took my faithful photo model dog outside and made her leap out of the truck.  It felt like nothing special or creative so I added another photo on top of it that I took and made it like a texture.  Now it looks like Izzy is taking a leap of faith. 


20120229-IMG_7661-2 20120222-IMG_7510 copy

The Hope Faith Love photo is a section of fence in an alley down the street from me.  I have other photos of the murals on the fence that I will be sharing soon. 

I am pretty excited about a couple of things.

1) I get to take photos of a newborn baby on Friday.  I am excited to try something new. 

2) Last year when I was very new to photography I got to take photos of Brett Michael’s visiting kids at the hospital.  You can read about it here.  One of my photos is in our local magazine called Accent West.  How cool is that? 


project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge