Friday, February 3, 2012

Coca Cola Fence Section Sign

Here I go again making the fun stuff for David’s room and not doing the hard labor things like painting walls.  Quick fun painting is my thing.  Tedious painting not so much. 

I have mentioned that David wanted some Coca Cola décor in his room.  I used a section of fence for my Lifeguard On Duty sign I did this past summer and painted it red.  I used Annie Sloan’s Chalkpaint.  The color is Emperor’s Silk.  I bought just a sample of it and I used every drop to cover the sign. 

I made a Coca Cola stencil to use on the painted fence section. 

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You can see the picket points on the underneath side.   The tips have been sawed off. 

I cut the stencil with my Cricut machine and then taped and held it down while I painted the Coca Cola in white with a stencil brush.

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I wish the bottom part of the Coca didn’t end up between pickets, but it did.

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I am liking the sign, but it looks a little too new.

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I am going to work on aging it tomorrow.  I thought I might should show you what it looks like now in case I mess it up!

Go HERE to see the updated sign.

I have to throw in an Izzy pic before I go.  She loves to stand on the back of the couch or chairs and be by our head.  Here she is looking down at my husband. 

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That silly dog makes me smile. 


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Saturday Night Special @ Funky Junk Interiors