Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We Interrupt This Vacation…………

I envisioned my week off work to go a little differently than it has so far.  I was going to get organized, finish up some projects and maybe start on some others.  I would sit in my pjs all day and go at my own speed and not be on a schedule, but sometimes things just don’t work out like we think they will. 

It has been an odd week.  Christmas morning it started snowing expectantly all day.  It snowed so much my father in law who is disabled was unable to come over for Christmas dinner.   The snow started early that morning and it was the cause of the accident that took the life of my friend’s brother in law.  I will be spending tomorrow watching her babies so that her and her husband can spend the day remembering a 35 year old son, father, brother and friend.  He was a fireman and there is a wonderful service planned for him.  So although I won’t be spending my day like I planned tomorrow, I am thankful for the safety and health of my family and the chance to be there for my friend. 

Speaking of family, I took pics for my sister of her and her boys for her Christmas present.  I will share a few of them, because a post just isn’t a post without a photo.  Plus this is the only thing I have to share other than my Christmas tree is down and put away! 




Please say a prayer for my friend and all of the family for tomorrow. 
