Monday, October 24, 2011

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

Pinterest is going to be the cause of my weight gain this year.   My latest creation I found are these wonderfully easy strawberries filled with cheesecake and topped with graham cracker crumbs. 

The pin had a link to the blog The Sweets Life and that’s where I found the recipe.  You can find it here.

I made these for work and they were such a hit that I made some for my family yesterday.  I had to snap a couple of quick photos.  It has been crazy busy I tell ya.  I used my fancy plastic containers so I could store them in the fridge, but they were eaten within a few minutes so there was nothing left to refrigerate. 

food copy

I didn’t own a strawberry huller the first time I made them and I bought one before I made them again.  I highly recommend using one.  Here is what mine looks like.


Well I am off to my portrait photography class I am taking on Monday nights.  I did get to take some fun photos of my neighbors yesterday that I will share very soon.  I think you will love my neighbor as much as I do. 
