Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer Favorites 2011

I have discovered the best yogurt ever.  At least I think it is.  It’s called Wallaby Down Under yogurt. 


It’s not found at all grocery stores, but you can do a search on Wallaby’s website to see if you can get your hands on some of this yogurt.  Go here to find out. 

It is called “down under” because you dig down under to find the tasty fruit.  The yogurt company was formed when the owners traveled to Australia and discovered the creamy subtly sweet yogurt found in Australia and different than any yogurt they had tasted in the U.S.  So they came back to the USA and made their own. 

I would love to hear if you find the yogurt near you and what you think. 

My other summer treasure is the book Water For Elephants.


It has got to be my all time favorite book.  I needed a book for vacation and picked this up before we left.  I am so glad I did.  I didn’t watch the movie, but I am going to watch the video when it comes in September. 

Have you read any good books this summer?  If so what did you read?
