Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July and a Patriotic No Sew Bag

We had a much needed rain shower last night and it has made for a beautiful 4th of July morning.  I hope you are all having a great holiday.  I was inspired by all the flags in our neighborhood to make this cute patriotic bag.  I already had the bag.  I bought mine at Hobby Lobby.  They are very inexpensive.  I used a small flag I already had too.  The flag is barely stapled onto the stick.  

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I pinned some stitch witchery around the sides of the flag and added one piece to the middle.

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Next I simply ironed the flag by going in between the pins until the flag was secured to the bag and then I removed the pins and ironed down the corners.

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And now I have a fun patriotic bag for today or any day for that matter.  It is always good to be patriotic.  God Bless the USA.

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