Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bag Lady and Camera Lens Accessory

I think I am becoming a camera bag lady.  I keep buying them in search of the perfect one.  I added a 2nd camera to my collection so I was hoping to find a bag that would carry both cameras and a few lenses.  I found this Canon bag at my favorite photography online store called BH Photo

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The description said it would hold 2 SLR cameras and 8 lenses.  This description is off by one camera and 4 lenses.  I still like it and I am going to use it for my big camera and my little bag for my smaller camera.  I have a backpack too.  I really like the idea of the backpack, but it is limited with how much it will hold in the padded areas. 

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Maybe my problem is I keep collecting too many photography items.  It’s an expensive addiction that I have.  I did find a very inexpensive and convenient little item that you might be interested in.  It’s called a  CAPKEEPER.

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The button on the lens cap sticks to the cap and attaches to an elastic band that fits around the lens.  It keeps you from having to keep up with your lens cap because it is always attached to the lens.

You can get 2 of them for $1.99.  If you click on the item below it will take you to the page so you can read more about it. 


Do you have any possession obsessions? 
