Sunday, June 19, 2011

From Bread Box To French Medicine Cabinet

I mentioned that small areas of cluttered décor have been irritating me and I am making some changes.  There is an area in our kitchen where we store all of our medicines in a basket.  It has become a mess.  I even have a paint bottle in there.  Sometimes paint brushes land in there too.


It had to go.  I am also tired of knocking over the frame or small plate to get to the outlet when I need it.

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I had recently seen a bread box for sale on Craigslist and thought it would fit perfectly in the area and make a good medicine cabinet.

I met the lady in front of her house on the sidewalk to make my purchase.

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When I placed it in my car I immediately realized how bad it reeked of dogs and cigarettes. It even had dog hair on it.  How does dog hair get on a bread box?  I had to air it out for 3 days and wipe it down with bleach sheets.  Then I noticed it must have lived next to the stove top.  I think it had years of grease splatters on it.  Especially on the base.

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I tried sanding it off and I ended up having to scrape it off with a putty knife.  Gross.

I used my Cricut to make a design for the front of it with contact paper.  I wanted to be able to peel it off and leave the natural wood behind. 

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I know pharmacy isn’t spelled right.  I used the French spelling to make it more interesting.

I used some black latex paint and distressed it after the paint dried.  I then waxed the box with light brown wax. 






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I like how the medicine cabinet turned out, but I am not liking to boxy things next to each other.  One day I would like to get a flat screen tv for the area and I might add a frame or something on top of the box. 

And by the way the airing out, bleaching, scraping and painting all got rid of the horrible smell.  I painted the inside of the box just to be safe .  Have you ever bought something that you didn’t realize was nasty until after you purchased it?


Linking to

Saturday Night Special @ Funky Junk Interiors

Weekend Wrap Up @ Under the Table and Dreaming

Power of Paint @ Domestically Speaking