Saturday, April 16, 2011

I Am Finally Painting My Hutch

Since last July off and on you have heard me whining mentioning I needed to paint my hutch.  Part of the reason I have procrastinated was fear and the other part was laziness. 
This hutch is big and built in.  It’s not going anywhere so it couldn’t be an oops project.  The look of my existing area really called for the hutch to be black.  In the blog world black is out and white is in.  I even recently read where someone said “what was I thinking painting that black hole” when she referred to painting her hutch black years ago and just recently did a fresh light color.  She talked about how the black hutch just sucked in all the light.  Yep it didn’t boost my confidence.  Then one of my blogging friends, Jen @ These Are the Days To Remember, sent her before and after photos to encourage me.
Her transformation had me sold.  Looks great huh?
Jen said:
I cannot wait to see your hutch done!!  It's going to look FABULOUS!  I was afraid to do my buffet as well and ended up putting it off for 3 years.  Once it was done, I was so in love that I wondered what I had been so afraid of!!  I took doors off as well and am so glad I did.  I've attached a picture so you can see it.  =)  This was before I had the hardware on it though.  Anyway.....good luck with the hutch!  I hope you tackle that soon.  We're all so anxious to see it done.  =)”
Thanks Jen for being so sweet.
I also had some inspiration pics bookmarked that helped seal the deal.
Source:  Atticmag

So yesterday I sat around procrastinating some more and I finally just started moving everything out of the hutch and removing doors, drawers, and handles.  I had such a mess it was easier to start painting than the thought of putting it all back. 
The first thing I did to help me not turn back was fill in the holes where I removed the cabinet doors on the top of the hutch like a month ago. 
This wood filler is so easy to work with.  It has been one of my favorite things for a long time.  I use it a lot.
My next step was wiping it all down with TSP cleaner and then a DeGlosser.  I did the DeGlosser twice. 
The next thing I did was slap a thin layer of primer on everything. 
Oh my the mess!
See that hutch in the background in the red room?  I am going to try the chalk paint I bought after reading Miss Mustard Seed’s recommendation on it.  I bought it for my hutch because you don’t have to sand and prime and I am lazy.  It was too gray and I was afraid it wouldn’t be black enough so I used regular paint on my hutch instead.
I stayed up until 3:30 am painting.  I have some touch ups to do and I am going to wax the hutch.  I am also waiting for some baskets I ordered to come in.  I have bought 2 different kind and they didn’t really work.  I found some at Target and they are perfect.
They only had half of what I need so the others will be in Monday and then I can reveal the before and after finally!
Get Real @ Not Just A Housewife