Friday, January 21, 2011

Adding Spring Greenery

One of my favorite things is touches of nature.  Faux nature in this case.  I never tire of it.  Ever. 

So I changed up  my vintage window screen by adding a cute little wreath.  I kept my numbers and put the big #2 inside the wreath. 

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My friend bought me the Dream magnet and it goes great with my numbers.

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Numbers + spriggy greenery=Love

I also added some spikey green balls and some moss rocks in my basket I used for pine cones during Christmas. 

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I might change out my frame with my dog in it, but that photo just makes me laugh.  What a good thing to do when you walk into the front door right? 

Are you so ready for spring like me? 


Linking to

Saturday Night Special @ Funky Junk Interiors

Weekend Wrap Up @ Tatertots and Jello

Sunday Showcase @ Under the Table and Dreaming