Sunday, December 12, 2010

Burlap and Bird Winner and A Good Find


This giveaway taught me bloggers really love some burlap and a bird just like I do! 

I am excited to reveal the winner. 

The bird gets to live with…….



Charla @ For The Sake of Time

Congratulations.  Please email me your address so I can send the gift.

This morning I opened Craigslist to find this.


I only got 3 items.  My husband smashed his finger and it was really cold or I might have kept looking and buying. 

But I am kinda glad I didn’t get anything else.

This is where they are and I don’t know what to do with them.  Antique is really made in China particle board stuff.  But all of it was only $6.


Thanks to all who entered. 

I hope you have a great week.  Don’t forget I am attempting a Tuesday linky party for your prized Christmas possession.
