Sunday, May 2, 2010

More Outdoor Decor


What a weekend.  My son and I both had sore throats and he missed school on Friday.  Little did I know the worst was yet to come.  Friday night while sleeping he threw up buckets of stuff all in his bed.  Sheets had to be removed and placed outside at 1am to be sprayed with the hose.  It was bad.  So his bed was out of commission.  He needed to keep throwing up and yet he was feeling exhausted.  I put my crafty mind to work and came up with this.


I put a lawn chair in the bathroom right by the toilet.  Worked like a charm! 

So usually my son is my Saturday morning garage sale buddy.  He was not up to it after Friday night.  I had to go to Walmart to get more Oxy Clean to continue washing the nasty bedding.  I stopped at a garage sale near my house and found 6 rusty old lanterns.  They were being sold as a set for $3.  The lady said she thought they could be painted.  I proudly told  her no thanks because I love old and rusty.  I am not sure what I will do with them, but I played with some ideas while cleaning out my flower beds today.  It was gross.  Lots of old damp leaves and weeds.  When I pulled up weeds I often found one of these.


I know earth worms are good for the soil.  ( I must have some awesome soil!)  But wow they are gross.


So finally the lanterns!


Aren’t they pretty nifty for $3?



I usually have a birdhouse on this but it was eaten by a squirrel.  I think a birdhouse is better, but hey I was experimenting.



I am really liking this look. I am trying to figure out how to cram a solar light inside!  : )   I think I will have to cut the bottom with tin snips.  Still debating if I should or not.


What great deal did you find this weekend?


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Saturday Night Special Rust Theme @ Funky Junk Interiors