Saturday, April 24, 2010

Patio Light Makeover



I am trying to work on my back patio, but the weather just won’t cooperate.  It is either raining and cold or the wind is blowing 40 to 50 mph.  I live in a very windy part of Texas, but it has been ridiculous.  Despite the wind gusts,  it was time to give my light a makeover. 

Here is what it looked like before.  Not a  horrible hanging light, but it is not anything special either. 



Do you see the yucky spider webs stuck on the wire frame and the nasty dirt on the bulb?  The things you find when you look inside!  I cleaned it off using an air compressor.  I am wondering if a can of air that cleans computers would do the same thing. 


I had this great idea to stamp whimsical numbers on the glass and paint the light fixture with Oil Rubbed Bronze Paint.  The painting worked.  The stamping did not.  : (


I get my ORB paint at Walmart.  I think it is about $3 a can. 


The stamping didn’t work out for 2 reasons.  One reason is sometimes stupidity overcomes me and the 2nd reason is the ink didn’t stay on the glass as well as I wanted it to. 

These clear stamps are great because you can see the placement of the stamp and the grid helps you to center the stamp.  The rubber stamp peels and sticks onto the acrylic block over and over again. 




They look really good in this photo.  But when lifted to the light it was too transparent and the ink wasn’t solid.  It’s too bad because I love the size and shape of the numbers.  And now for the stupidity part….. I stamped them all upside down.  The glass goes the other way in the light fixture.  Duh!!!


So my husband sprayed some of  this on it and it came right off.  He says there is no match for B-12 Chemtool.


I started over and decided to use stencils and my enamel glass paint so it would be more solid.  The numbers are kinda boring and smaller, but it still works.




And they looked like this.


So smaller and not as cute, but paint is solid and they are not upside down.


Here it is from all angles.






One thing down.  Many more to go.  Please mother nature give me some sun and a windless day.  Please. 
