Saturday, September 29, 2012

Race for the Cure 2012

A good friend of mine was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.  She caught it very early and it looks like she will be just fine.  She found the lump herself and had it checked to be safe.  Thank goodness she did.  Do your self breast exams.  It could save your life!  Anyway, 2 weeks ago she had the tumor removed and a few lymph nodes.  The lymph nodes came back negative for cancer and the margins around the tumor were clear so she is now cancer free.  

I formed a team in honor of her for this year’s Race for the Cure and designed a shirt for us all to wear at the event. 

thankfulfortraci copy

If you need a shirt design for your Race for the Cure team, I will be glad to try and help you.  I named our Team, Thankful for Traci, because we love her and we are glad to have her in our lives.  She likes black and white polka dots and green.  And because it is breast cancer we had to have some pink! 

I ran the 5K (3.1) miles in the competitive run with my friend Kali.  She did awesome and it was her first 5K.  Then we walked it with the rest of our team.  It is amazing how many people turn out for the event.  This pic gives you an idea.


Here is a photo of our team.  I labeled myself and my friend on the pic.

raceforthecure copy

It was raining really hard this morning and it quit right before the event and started back up right after.  Thank you God for a dry race.  Smile 

Thanks for stopping by. 
