Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Son’s First Day of High School-Good Idea For 1st Day Photo

It was back to school on Monday for my son.  This is his first year of high school and so far so good except a schedule change he is going to look into tomorrow.  I snapped some quick back to school photos.  I thought one of them was a good idea for keep track of the school year. 


I wrote on the driveway with sidewalk chalk the night before so we could get our pics fast.  I had to head to work.  It was still a bit dark outside and he was a little tired and cranky, but the idea worked. 

I took another one today and he smiled a bit more.  I think because he had his goofy ear bud in his ear.  It seems to be a permanent fixture these days.

2ndday copy

I think this school year is going to speed past us. 

I also have a fun Izzy pic to share with you.  She carries big sticks from the back yard through her doggie door and runs around the house with it until she settles down to chew on it. 


Such a silly dog. 

I have come up with a few ideas for my fall front porch.  In a couple of more weeks, I am going to start working on it. 

Are you ready for fall? 
