Friday, August 3, 2012

I guess it’s official- I am a photographer.

Photography has consumed my life lately.  I have been asked to do several weddings.  I actually did my first one last weekend.   Wanna see my favorite photo from the wedding? 


Weddings are hard.  I am not sure if I will continue doing them or not.  Time will tell. 

I have also become involved with a group of photographers in my area.  We went downtown and did a walk and shoot last night.

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It was fun to take pics of objects instead of people for a change.  My lack of posting projects shows you it has been awhile.

I like to find interesting unusual things to photograph and pretty light. 

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We have a landmark building and sign downtown that everyone loves.





And this cool light fixture looks like a great DIY project.

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My 2013 goal is to open an official photography business.  I will keep my day job though.  Smile  I can remember asking my husband if I could buy my first DSLR camera so I could take pretty photos of my projects.  Who knew I would love it so much? 

Did blogging start your love affair with your camera???
