Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lifeguard On Duty Sign Of Things To Come

Before blogging I never changed my mantel except for a few garland and stocking additions at Christmas time.  I loved my changes I did for fall and I decided I would attempt a summery mantel and jump on the beachy bandwagon. 

My main attraction will be my new Lifeguard On Duty sign that I made.


I started with a section of picket fence.


This little fence was a divider fence between my dental office and an insurance office.  I needed the entire height for my project so the pointed top of the pickets


and the rotting bottom of the pickets were left on the fence section.


To hide the problem areas 2 pickets that had the ends sawed off were screwed onto the front.



I threw some slate green and brown paint haphazardly onto the boards and the sanded them down and added burnt umber brown letters and sanded them a bit too.




Who would have thought a picket fence could so easily become a sign?

I can’t wait to show you the finished mantel coming soon.


Linking to

Saturday Night Special @ Funky Junk Interiors

Weekend Wrap Up @ Tatertots and Jello

Sunday Showcase @ Under The Table and Dreaming