Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Galvanized Containers

Sometimes a really cool grouping is right under your nose. I already had a vintage galvanized fire bucket, a watering can and a cute box made by my father in law long ago. I added a 3 on to the box.

Recently I found another galvanized item, but I don't know what it is called. I put them all together and I am really liking it!


Do you like it too? 

Here’s a closer look at the mystery item.


It is similar to an upside down bucket.  It’s kind of like a galvanized cloche.  I found it in an antique store for $5. 

I filled up the fire bucket with some snowball blooms form a bush in my backyard.


galvanizedbucketgrouping copy


I liked my grouping so much that I moved it into the house and put faux hydrangeas in the fire bucket. 

Do you ever find a new love for your old stuff?  I would love to hear about it.


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Saturday Night Special @ Funky Junk Interiors

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