Monday, April 11, 2011

Did You Get Your Angle On? Then Link Up Those Angled Photos!

This is my favorite photo linky party yet.  I found this technique fun and easy.  What about you?

Spring is a good reason to take photos outside. 

I laid back on the ground to get my son’s feet while he was swinging in the backyard.

This was my favorite angled shot and I am loving my neighbor’s purple blooms on the tree. .


My son loves to climb trees barefoot.  It was easy to get an upward angle shot since I was on the ground.


My dog was enjoying some spring weather as well.  She was lying in the grass like a lion so I got on her same level and took her pic.  My DIY grooming job is growing out finally.  Smile

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From my front yard I took this kind of wonky angled shot.  I am sharing it because I think the sky is beautiful.


My dog loves to go for walks.  She will talk to us about it until we head out the door.  This is her in action ready for her walk.

I angled the camera so that I could get both my son and dog in this narrow space. 

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And last I took this photo at Olive Garden.  I had my camera because it was my son’s birthday.  Then sun was coming in at an angle and the Wisteria looked better from the side instead of straight on.


Beautiful huh?  I love spring blooms.

That’s my shots from this past week.  Now it’s time to show us what you did with your camera. 

This party will be judged by


Katie @ Little Things Bring Smiles.