Monday, March 28, 2011

Candlelight and Nighttime Photo Linky Party

It’s time for the party.  Did you get your cameras out?  I took a lot of photos this weekend.  I never tire of clicking away. 

I took my son skating Friday night and pulled off onto the side of the road and snapped some photos down the street.  I rested the camera on my steering wheel and held my breath. 

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I was trying to get the streaking headlights on this photo.

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And taillights on this one.

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I am not sure what happened here, but it looks artistic.

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Tonight I attempted a couple more candle shots.



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Now for the good part.  I am really looking forward to seeing all of your shots. 

Our judge this week is Heather @ Peek at the Pehrsons


The party will end at 6pm Central on Wednesday, March 30th and Heather will pick her winner or winners.  I hope to post them on Thursday. 

Next party in 2 weeks will be angled photos.

Now link up!
