Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Take Photos With A White Background That Are Great For Blogs, Etsy and eBay

Last weekend I took photos of my decorative box makeover that had an all white background. 

Here’s how I did it. 

I bought  2 foam core boards from Hobby Lobby.


There were $1.99 each.


I placed one against my fireplace.  You can use a wall, a chair, a pet, a kid, a husband.  Well you get the idea.  Lay the other one on the floor and make them touch.


Place your object somewhere in the middle of the flat board.


Squat or lay down on the floor and take a photo.



Hmmm.  Doesn’t look all that good does it? 

Now it is time to edit and get rid of the line where the boards meet and have a solid white background.  I use Picasa to do this.  It is free and easy.  You can find it and download it here

Once I load my photos onto my computer they automatically go into Picasa.


Select the image you want to edit.  I took several photos of my artichoke so I could pick the one I liked best.


On the left hand side are the edit tabs.  I picked the tuning tab so I could use my Fill Light, Highlights and Shadows slide bar. 


First I slid the bar on the Fill Light to the middle.  That seemed to work for this photo. 


Next I used the Highlight slide bar.  This is where the magic happens and the line where the boards meet disappears.  The background becomes all white and bright.  I slid the bar halfway on this one as well.


Amazing isn’t it? 

Sometimes the object loses a little depth with all this light so I add a little shadow back in. 


Also if you notice that your background isn’t as white as it should be you might want to adjust the color temperature on this same page.

If you want less background and more of your object in your photo, you can easily crop it.


Then save all of the changes.


Now your photo is ready for your blog, Etsy or eBay. 


Did you think that looked pretty easy?  Well it is.  So download Picasa if you don’t already have it and get some foam core boards.  Come back here on Tuesday and we will have a photo linky party.  I would love to see how you did. 

Please feel free to share this with anyone that you think might benefit from the instructions. 



Linking to

Feature Yourself Friday @ Fingerprints on the Fridge

Weekend Wrap Up @ Tatertots and Jello