Friday, January 21, 2011

Blog Button Design Giveaway

I’m a giver.  I have decided I really like giving.  It makes me happy.  I have recently been contacted about a paid advertisement on my blog and I just don’t know if I can accept.  Everything about my blog is because I like to give.  So I am thinking on that one. 

Anyway, last night I realized when I was new to blogging I coveted those buttons.  I finally learned how to make one in Photobucket with a pic and even get a code for it which I have long forgot how to do.  I never used that button, but I was proud I learned how.

  A lot of times when I add another person’s button to my blog I just insert a hyperlink to it because I haven’t figured out how to add html code to live writer. 

So what I am trying to say here is I don’t remember how to get the html code to a button and I am not sure it is really needed, but recently I did figure out a quick way to make button in Photoshop Elements.  I am somewhat limited since I am new to all of this so if you have a simple button request I want to make one for you. 

I am making this giveaway quick.  It will start right now and end at 8pm Central time tonight. 

Just comment if you want a button and I will do a random pick tonight and contact you (if I have an email address) and ask you what you want. 

I made this button for my linky party the other day and it only took me a few minutes.

Photo Linky Party

Ok ready set comment!
