Friday, April 16, 2010

Good and Really Really Bad

I had a little time to go to a few thrift stores today.  I wish that our stores had great bargains like $5 chairs that I have seen other bloggers find, but they don’t.  I always look, but it is always the same sticker shock.  Terrible furniture for a terrible price.  I did find a few fun things today. 


I couldn’t believe I found more stands and more glass insulators that fit into them.  I don’t know why in the world our thrift stores mark the prices with permanent marker.  I have to figure out how to get it off.


I am not sure what I will do with just one salt/pepper shaker but I liked the looks of it.


I thought this would be fun on my potting bench when I get it painted.  It doesn’t look like that will be happening this weekend because it is cold and rainy.


And I found an antique croquet ball.  I thought it was so cool.  I want a whole basket of them.


Ok are you ready to laugh?  This is a bad example of birds and decorating.  I love the grapevine ball, but the birds and bow have to go!!!!


This is one ugly bird!


This one is decent.


And one more ugly one for you.


Since the bow is in fall fabric, maybe it was meant to be scary.   Hopefully I will have something good to post soon using all my fun stuff minus Toucan Sam.  Have a great weekend!


Linking to Today’s Thrift Store Treasures @ Southern Hospitality