Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spring time on the Porch

I love spring other than the wind in the Texas Panhandle.  I have done a bit of front porch decorating.  I am actually in the mood this year to do some planting so I will have more to show you as the threat of a freeze decreases. 

I found the cutest birdhouse yesterday.  It reminded me so much of my mom.  I put it on my porch along with her tall birdhouse I have has since she passed away 14 years ago. 


I love how off center the hole is and the colors of the wood.  The man I bought this from is working on something for me I will hopefully be sharing soon.  The idea looks good in my head and hopefully it will in real life as well. 

I also found the cute rosemary topiary bush yesterday.  I am gravitating more towards plants than flowers these days. 


I like the simplicity of them.  I did add my usual faux flowers to the metal container by the door. 

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A pair of  house finches left me a cute surprise inside of it.


I hope you have a wonderful Easter and Spring.
